Fashion Magazine

Understanding Colour – Tints, Tones and Shades

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

colour properties

Would love it if you could show us some samples of color that you describe in this comment…”Plus, once you’ve gone through the gray stage to the all white stage – you can start to brighten slightly again (though not the really bright colours, usually those with a high tint (lots of white added)” What colors are bright with lots of tint added?

There are some simple terminology used when describing colours.

Pure – straight out of the rainbow – bright and clear

Tint – adding white to a pure colour

Tone – adding gray to a pure colour

Shade – adding black to a pure colour

So if you compare the Tint examples with the Tone examples above, you can see there is much more brightness in the colours that have had white added as in comparison to gray added.  These highly tinted colours look great on those who are very fair or whose hair has gone white and they have more translucent skin and brighter coloured eyes.

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