This is a member of the so-called food underground: Epic Eats. Note their location.
I was just reading on Facebook Stories about these young foodies and chefs and event planners who escape the traditions and rules and huge investments of regular restaurants—in my analogy, the corporate rock machine that gave us Journey and Toto—and just do what they love for smaller, more exclusive groups of people.
Of course, those people tell people.
And so on.
Like how R.E.M. grew from a shambly college town band to the arena-fillers they became in the late ’90s.
Hm. Tortured analogy, yes.
But it should be interesting to watch how supper clubs’ creativity eventually affects the mainstream.
Here’s a good quote:
There are so many people, especially younger kids, like high school and junior high kids who would love to start something but the barrier of entry is so high.” — Kait Reiley, who rides a bike around selling homemade popsicles