“This video was captured by a PETA investigator at a leading supplier to other pig meat companies of pig semen and the sows who are artificially inseminated to produce more pigs to be slaughtered. It is the first-ever undercover look at the very beginning of the lives of animals who become bacon, pork chops, and sausages.
Nothing More Than Numbers
These clever and sensitive animals, who animal behaviorists have found are smarter than dogs, are identified by having a tag punched through their ears and become just another number inside the factory. Here are just a few of their stories:
- One pig, known simply as 112688, struggled to stand and had to drag his hind legs across the filthy floor. Day after day, this pig lay barely moving. He was not even put out of his misery. Instead, he was loaded onto a truck and hauled to slaughter.
- Pigs 112105 and 113436 sustained injuries that….”
Source: secure.peta.org
They’re going to die anyway, right?