Culture Magazine

Under Siege (1992) Movie Review

By Newguy

Under Siege – Movie Review

Under Siege (1992) Movie Review

First Reaction – Under Siege is a great late-night action movie.

Watch Under Siege here.

a JustWatch JustWatch

ABC Film Challenge – Favourites – U

Director: Andrew Davis

Writer: J.F. Lawton (Screenplay)


Plot: An ex-Navy Seal turned cook is the only person who can stop a group of terrorists when they seize control of a U.S. battleship.

Runtime: 1 Hour 43 Minutes 

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Under Siege starts when military chef Casey Ryback (Seagal) has his battleship captured by Commander Krill (Busey) and William Strannix (Jones). They capture everyone else and hold the deadliest weapons at their fingertips. Casey must use his skills to stay alive and save the other hostage.

However, William and Krill have other plans and are happy to send countless soldiers to stop them and maintain control. Even if their plan is for something much bigger, they need to remain in control and Casey isn’t going to let that happen.

Verdict on Under Siege


The movie follows an unlikely military chef fighting back against a group of terrorists who have taken over a naval battleship. He must use his skills to stop them before it is too late.

Best Parts

The concept of Die Hard on a battleship gives us a contained story with a one-man battle to save the ship and hostages. We get good action throughout the movie and Steven Seagal is at his best in this movie. Tommy Lee Jones is hilarious as the deranged terrorist and the rest of the cast fit the world created.

Worst Parts

It does show a big flaw in the military defence system and how easily people world get into the most secure areas involved.

Final ThoughtsUnder Siege is an entertaining action thriller.

Under Siege (1992) Movie Review

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