Arts & Crafts Magazine

Ummm...guess What??? HUGE NEWS!

By Midwesterngirl @MidwesternGirl5
There's something I've been keeping from you.
Well, actually I've been keeping it from EVERYONE...
A month or so ago, the absolutely AMAZING paper-crafter, scrapbooker, designer, Heidi Swapp, had a Media Team call...her first ever...and guess who applied?
I did.
I had no hope whatsoever for being chosen. I really didn't. In fact, I told only one person that I even applied. I was just proud of myself for trying.
But last week, I got an email that made my heart skip a beat.
I WAS CHOSEN as part of the very first Heidi Swapp Media Team!!!
Ummm...guess what??? HUGE NEWS!I can't tell you how much this means to me...
I've been following Heidi around (not literally...don't worry) for at least 10 years...buying her products, stalking her websites, loving her out-of-this-world this is really a DREAM COME TRUE!
I can't wait to get started with this team.
Here are the other girls who were selected:
Lindsay Bateman
Jennifer Evans
Jamie Pate
Kim Jeffress
I'm so excited to be inspired by all of their talent...and I hope I can do some inspiring as well...
Hang on to your hats, are in for some F.U.N.!

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