Debate Magazine

UK: Israel at Greater Risk If US Peace Bid Fails

Posted on the 12 June 2013 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Mike L.

The snippet below originally published by Jerusalem Post staff.
Alistair Burt, UK Under Secretary of State, calls on sides to forgo preconditions, says Israel risks isolation.
Israel is in danger of being further isolated in the international arena if Washington’s latest push for Middle East peace ends in failure, according to a senior British official.
Alistair Burt, who serves as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and the top Foreign Office official in charge of dealing with the Mideast, told Army Radio on Wednesday that both Israel and the Palestinians must ensure that US Secretary of State John Kerry’s mission be a success.
“If the Kerry initiative ends in failure, the repercussions will be very inconvenient to Israel,” he told Army Radio. “The danger of Israel’s isolation will become greater than ever unless a solution is found.”
This is more or less the way that I predicted the current "peace initiative" would play itself out.
It goes like this:
1) The Obama administration calls for negotiations between the parties.
2) Israel agrees to negotiations between the parties.
3) Abbas refuses to negotiate until Israel does this, that, or the other.
4) EU countries, and the western left, including the Obama administration, blame Arab intransigence and refusal to negotiate on Israel and threaten dire consequences.
This is playing out just as I predicted that it would.
The current "peace initiative" is, of course, nothing of the sort.  What it really is, is a little sadistic drama for the purpose of putting Israel in the docket in order to make her defend her right to exist.

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