
U is for Unique

Posted on the 25 April 2014 by Berijoy @berijoy
You are unique.

You are unique.

“We are sun and moon, dear friend; we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is: each the other’s opposite and complement.”   ~  Hermann Hesse, Narcissus and Goldmund

We have arrived here as unique emanations of the One Mind.There is only one of you. There is only one of me. Now before you retort, “Of course there is, silly girl,” allow me some latitude in explaining what I mean. I know that I am the only one born to my parents that looks, acts, speaks as I do, but I do not speak only of physical presence. That, of course, is obvious. Unless you are born as a multiple, you are the only one of you that we can see, notwithstanding the notion that every one of us has a twin somewhere in this world. When I speak about our uniqueness, I am speaking of a spark of the divine light made manifest in flesh. That which is called the Higher Self, or  “Christ in you, your hope of glory,” or a divine emanation of Love, is the essence of who we are. It is the vehicle which brought us here. And it is incumbent upon us to recognize it, embrace it, and make it manifest through our works here on the planet.

“Each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a contribution.” ~  Deepak Chopra

One of the joys of being on this planet as a human is the opportunity to enjoy the variety of appearances of human beings. Skin color, gender, sexual orientation, able-bodied-ness, so-called race–our species’ endless appearances represent an amazing diversity of life. We are seven-billion strong and every single one of us is unique. Our many physical representations highlight the multiple appearances of the Oneness that powers our universe. It has been said that this One, seeking to know and understand itself, took on life as us. It expresses as all life and there is no end to the possibility of presentations it could make. When you look it at that way, it’s pretty darn amazing. The One as the many.  Fantastic.

“Our uniqueness alone is enough to justify our special place in the world. But even more, our destiny insists we use our gifts to show others who they really are or show them what, in an ideal world, they could become. It may shock them at first, but deep down, we open their eyes to greater possibilities.”  ~ Ellen Bryson, The Transformation of Bartholomew Fortuno 

That we are unique versions of love is a gift we come bearing to share with the world in which we live. As souls, we are mirror representations of each other. While we are here, we should do our best to flaunt our unique selves, even as we recognize our unity as souls on a special mission. If we are doing it right, we can help lift each other to that awareness by expressing every bit of our specialness. We were made from love, and while we are here we can exercise our creative powers in search of joy.


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