Jordanna is very happy to be testing out a range of new dolls known as U Hugs. These dolls are made from soft plastic and small holes can be spotted around their bodies.
The reason for the holes is to insert and change multiple accessories which come with the dolls and will most probably be available to buy in packs too. The dolls come with multiple accessories already attached and a few in the box to put in.
The accessories include all sorts of things, bags, badges, shoes, animals, flowers and even facial features and hair. Everything comes off so the doll can be personalised how the child wishes. The accessories are simply plastic pins with ends that fit in the holes. Some of them do require a little bit of pushing to get them in place but they all seem to go where you want them too. The dolls can be minimal a bit like this.
Or they can have no accessories at all, or maximum accessories just like this.
The little cardboard stand and background also came with it but I can't see this lasting too long.
The idea is to collect the dolls, or at least buy more than one. They all come with different parts which can be mixed and matched to make different faces and outfits. There are currently 6 dolls to choose from and I imagine more will be added soon.
The U Hug dolls cost around £14.99 each and each one comes with 12 accessories. They come in plastic tubs with handles and I would recommend keeping these as it's handy for all the accessories which will easily become lost otherwise.
U Hugs come from Flair toys who are of course also responsible for shopkins which Jordanna also loves to collect.
Please check out the U Hugs channel on You tube.
I am sure Jordanna will get lots of fun from this doll.