Religion Magazine

Tzitzis Strings with a Hechsher - Good Enough?

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
I'm not sure what to think of this. It is a bit shocking.
A class action suit worth 100,000,000nis was recently filed against the company "Mishkan Hatcheilet" claiming deception of the customer.
Mishkan Hatcheilet is the largest manufacturer of tzitzis strings and tallis garments in the world. The claim, and take pride in this, that their tzitzis strings are prepared and tied by "God fearing avreichim".
The person who filed the suit claims that Mishkan Hatcheilet employs prisoners to spin and tie the tzitzis strings. The claims includes testimony from some Arabs in prison that they too were employed preparing the strings.
Tzitzis strings prepared by non-Jews are invalid for use. If the claim is correct, not only are the strings not being prepared by God fearing avreichim, but they might not even be kosher at all.
The court has given Mishkan Hatcheilet 90 days to respond to the claim.
Mishkan Hatcheilet has responded that all the tzitzis coming out of their factories have any of various hechsherim on them, including Eida, Beit Yosef, Rav Wosner and others. He admits they, as other tzitzis factories, use prisoners to make the strings, but the tying is all done with a hechsher.
source: Behadrei
It seems to me that the lawsuit is claiming a problem in the spinning process while the response from Mishkan Hatcheilet deals only with the hechsher on the tying process.
I have nothing against prisoners doing productive work, but some people might want to know this information. There is definitely a machlokes about non-Jews spinning the tzitzis strings. For people relying on only the best hechsherimm, they might want to know such information, and it is surprising that the Eida, for example, would allow this.
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