Business Magazine

Tyres Inspired by Nature

Posted on the 12 May 2017 by Thinkibility


How can you improve tyres?

How can you bring a significant positive change that successfully solves problems related to travelling?

What does traveling look like in the future?

Tyres Inspired by Nature

The theme in 2016 for the Design Innovation was”Connect to the Connected World” and the focus on presenting a vision of future mobility. Hankook makes tyres so the changes in mobility should use tyres.

This is a great thinking exercise, where you are forced to improve upon something that already exists. Looking for better, more efficient, and desirable ways to be mobile in future mega cities.
The picture above shows a the Flexup that explores ways that you can redesign tyres to deal with obstacles that are present in cities, such as stairs. I would love these types of tyres on my bicycle! These tyres use divided treads that expand or contract to deal with stairs.

Tyres Inspired by Nature

Tyres Inspired by Nature

The Autobine is a self-driving bus concept where the number of passengers determines how many tyres that are going to be used. The tyres are attached or detached. An intelligent tire that detects the weight and then attaches itself to the body of the bus.

What sort of tyres can you design? Which obstacles does your tire try to overcome or minimise?

Why not use these video as inspiration?


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