
Types of Dentures

Posted on the 23 August 2023 by Reza Sartipi
Types of Dentures

When we discuss types of dentures, a denture, or denture, is an artificial organ. 

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth made of plastic or metal and custom-made to fit snugly on the gums in types of dentures. 

Complete dentures are used if all teeth are lost, and fragmented dentures are used if several teeth are left. You can use natural dentures to enjoy the natural function of your teeth and eliminate drooping cheeks and lips.

Different Types of Dentures

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures are used for patients who have lost all of their natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw or both upper and lower jaws. Complete dentures are available in either ‘normal’ or ‘immediate.’ Ordinary dentures are placed in the mouth approximately 8 to 12 weeks after the teeth have been extracted and the gums have healed.

Immediate dentures are pre-prepared and placed in the mouth as soon as the teeth are extracted so that the patient is not toothless while waiting for the gums to heal.

Of course, because the bones and gums shrink over time, especially as they heal, the disadvantage of instant dentures is that they require more manipulation and adjustment during this time.

Therefore, an immediate denture is usually a temporary solution until the original denture is prepared. Fully removable dentures can restore confidence in a person’s appearance and help the patient speak and eat normally.

Types of Dentures

Fixed Dentures in Types of Dentures

Dental implants are fixed dentures and can practically replace natural teeth and restore the beauty of the teeth. Dental implants can be used as a fixed bridge base, so that removable dentures are no longer needed. Of course, the cost of dental implants is higher, but the combination of implants and bridges together creates a more natural tooth feeling in the patient.

However, it should be noted that dental implants are attached to the jawbone. Thus, six months before the dental implant, a metal hook must be permanently implanted inside the jawbone.

Once the jawbone has grown around the hook (a period of bone attachment), implant repair can be attached to the hook. Implants are gradually replacing dentures, but dental implants are not suitable for all patients.


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Dental Implant

A Partial Denture (Piece or Partial Denture)

A piece of the movable denture usually consists of a denture attached to a pink or gum-coloured plastic base that attaches to a metal body. This metal body holds the denture in place.

For patients who have lost a number of their teeth but are not seeking dental implants or bridges, partial dentures can be a good treatment.

A one-piece denture is used if natural teeth are present in the upper or lower jaw. In this case, removable dentures can be held in the patient’s mouth using natural teeth, gums, and a communication structure made of plastic and metal.

The partial denture is delicate and mobile, has a natural appearance, and instead, the hook is attached to the side veneers with internal connections.

Types of Dentures
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and checkups

Dentures inside dental implants

People who have lost one or more teeth or even all of their teeth can regain their natural smile design beauty, and chewing ability by using implants and dental implants.

Dental implants are a special type of metal base made of titanium that is fully compatible with the body’s cells. The implant is used as a permanent replacement for the missing tooth and the dentist for the patient.

The dentist inserts a dental implant into the jawbone and places the crown and veneer of the tooth on it. In non-surgical or puncture implants, skilled surgeons can easily sense the placement of the implant instead of splitting the gums and exposing them to full view, and can even see the full density of the bone in these scans.

Tips on Using Dentures

New dentures are always an alien organ in the mouth. It takes several days or weeks, or even months, for you to get used to it. The time required to adapt to dentures varies greatly from person to person. Take some time to eat.

Start by eating soft foods broken down into small pieces. When you put a denture in your mouth for the first time, your saliva may increase. This is the response of the salivary glands of the mouth, which return to their original state after a few weeks.

Swallowing saliva can help speed up the healing process. The jawbone and gums naturally deform over time, which may affect your dentures’ position.

Any change can cause you discomfort while eating, irritate the gum tissue, cause oral infections, and ultimately disrupt the proper physique of your face.

The use of dentures can be very effective in these cases, but if your problem is advanced, you must consult your dentist to replace your denture.

New Denture Care in Types of Dentures

We have gathered a few tips that will help you take the best care of your dentures. Keep in mind that it takes a long time to get used to dentures, so be patient.

Types of Dentures

Implantation and Removal of Dentures

Your dentist or prosthetist will teach you how to place and remove dentures. Ask him any questions you have. Before leaving the office, make sure that you have no problem putting and removing teeth.

Remember that you should never force or remove a denture in your mouth.

New denture function

By inserting a new denture, you will feel that a foreign object is in your mouth, even if you have a denture.

This is perfectly normal because it takes some time to get used to. Start with soft foods such as lightly cooked vegetables when you first want to eat with new dentures. Bite small pieces of food and chew slowly.

If part of your teeth is not dentures, bite the food with them instead of dentures. If possible, chew food simultaneously with the teeth on both sides of the mouth.

Maintenance and Care of All Types of Dentures

If your denture breaks or is damaged, remove it immediately. Do not attempt to repair, bend or modify it. Call the dental clinic to make an appointment and make an appointment.

If your tooth is protruding (about teeth or plaque), soak it in vinegar water in a ratio of 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water.

If the bulge does not go away, call the dental clinic and make an appointment to have the tooth re-polished.

Oral Ulcers Caused by Dentures

The lower part of the denture may slightly injure the mouth sore caused by the denture. In this case, contact the clinic to give you time to adjust the denture position.

If the severe injury, remove the denture for at least part of the day. However, leave the denture for a few hours before going to the clinic to know which part of the tooth needs to be adjusted.

Do not adjust the denture yourself or try to repair it.

Denture Care at Night

Remove your dentures every night before going to bed. This gives your mouth a chance to rest and helps you brush your teeth during sleep.

Clean your dentures every night with a soft toothbrush and expose them to dry air. This prevents bacteria from multiplying.

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