Gardening Magazine

Two West’s & Elliot

By Danielcarruthers

bell cloche protecting young plantsTwo Wests (Elliott is the dog) are the go-to people for all those things you need for the greenhouse and the garden to help you grow your plants. Whether its shelves for the greenhouse, an electric propagator or some plant labels, they will have a range to choose from at different price levels. For example, if you are after some Garden Cloches to cover your crops, you can choose from several styles and designs. Their own traditional tent-shaped design has been popular for the past 37 years and is useful for covering a single plant or a cluster of seedlings. Tunnels are great for covering rows of crops and there’s a giant micromesh version which is ideal for protecting brassicas. Cloche hoops are available in various sizes, and for a stylish touch there are some attractive Victorian style bell, square or octagonal glass designs.



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