Family Magazine

Two Sick Babies

By Umkhaloodie


So last night, Oodie developed a fever, an unexplained fever- unexplained, in the fact that he a) wasn’t vomiting and b) didn’t have an ear infection … we STILL have the runny nose from last week, but within half an hour of his daddy noticing he had fever he began coughing……..non stop…… he is off school today and drinking lots of hot orange and honey.

Baby number 2: Alooi has GREEN diarrhoea ….. yes, green. Green poop in newborns can be dangerous but at this age and considering she eats anything and everything and LOTS of veggies, the likelihood is is that it is food colouring. She hasn’t had a huge amount of nappies but enough to be concerned. We are taking on the BRAT diet today minus the apple sauce. It’s basically Bananas, White Rice, Applesauce and White Bread (Toast). Don’t use brown bread -too much fibre.

two slices of toasted white bread

two slices of toasted white bread (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It basically helps to achieve a solid poop and not diarrhoea…….

Three days ago, she developed a yeast infection. We have been treating it with cornflour (works wonders), daktort (hydrocortisone prescribed medication from doctor) and zinc and castor oil.

I tried a bunch of creams – nothing worked. Nappy rash cream will NOT help a yeast infection, it has to be treated with a steroid ointment and no, mummy’s canestan won’t work.

So here’s to a great start to a new week……. not.

Hoping they both get better soon.

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