Religion Magazine

Two Helpful New Sermon Series at EBC!

By Caryschmidt

What are we studying this Fall at Emmanuel Baptist Church?

This Fall we are launching into two helpful and encouraging new sermon series at Emmanuel! If you don’t have a church home, we would love to have you share in what we’re learning every Sunday. If you do, then we hope you will join us by way of the podcast or media page where you can listen at your leisure on your device or online.

First, On Mission—Simple Steps to Sharing Jesus!


In this series we are examining the work of sharing the gospel, and frankly, how we as Christians tend to over-complicate it in our minds. In fear or insecurity, we miss the delight and joy of sharing the most powerful and beautiful message of hope and joy that the world has ever known! We’re learning how to engage in an “on mission” life—personally and corporately. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 for Adult Connection Groups (discussing the previous Sunday’s message)

Second, Biblically Literate—Grasping God’s Grand Story!


Our church is filled with believers (both new and “not so new”) who really never grasped the BIG PICTURE of the Bible. Too often the Bible and our reading of it is disconnected, hard to understand, and complex. This series will break it down for us “regular people” and help us understand God’s Word at a whole new level! Join us and take your “biblical literacy” to new heights! We will understand God’s narrative with new clarity—how each book and section of the Bible connects to the others, and how it all changes our lives today. Don’t miss this insightful study, Sunday Nights at 6pm!

Bonus: Confident Joy—Philippians Verse by Verse


From a prison cell, the Apostle Paul writes his friends in Philippi and says “I’m rejoicing and you can too!” Concerned for their joy, in spite of their hardship, He gives them answers for being joyful in a brutal world. In this book we are discovering that joy is not a product of circumstances, it’s a product of internal choices. We are learning how Jesus alone can anchor our hearts in an unpredictable world. Join us Wednesday Nights at 7pm!

It’s a lot of fun to grow in grace in a healthy, loving church family! We hope to see you Sunday!

*Nursery, Children’s Ministry, and Deaf Interpretation is offered during all services! 

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