Self Expression Magazine

Twitter Jail For 48 Hours – It Could Happen To You Too!

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Twitter Jail

Twitter Jail – There really is a such a place!  Have you ever spent time there? What a surprise the other morning when I logged into Twitter to find – Your Account Has Been Suspended. Really? I had not used any spam or automated following programs. I had only used Just ReTweet with this particular profile. I have been on Twitter for years now and with several accounts. This has never happened to me before. It can happen to the best of us as Ana Hoffman found out a while back. That made me feel better. Thanks Ana!

Twitter Jail

What To Do If Your Twitter Account is Suspended

  • Don’t panic! Take a DEEP breath. Remember, it has happened to many of us before.
  • Email Twitter Support. I replied to their email via I asked why the account was suspended.
  • Double check your URL’s in your Twitter profile  if you are using both your personal and blog profiles on Twitter. I had both set to the homepage. I changed my personal one to my about page just to be safe.
  • Be sure you are not tweeting all the same stuff on both accounts.
  • Follow the Twitter Rules. There are at least 30 rules. If you haven’t reviewed them in a while, it’s a great idea to read them again.
  • Read the Best Practices for following and using Twitter. They do monitor if you follow aggressively. (Defined as following hundreds at a time).  Beware if you follow and/or unfollow often. Any automatic unfollowing is not acceptable.
  • Check out their troubleshooting page for additional help.

Why Twitter Jail?

This was the response I received from Twitter via email within 48 hours of the account being suspended:


Twitter has automated systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk. Unfortunately, it looks like your account got caught up in one of these spam groups by mistake.

I’ve restored your account; sorry for the inconvenience.

Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal.”

Twitter Spam Groups

Caught up in spam groups by error? So it was nothing done in error. Thank goodness for that. So it can happen to you too for no reason. Always remember never put all your social eggs in one social basket. You may lose one and need some others along the way.

social eggs

Have you ever been to Twitter Jail or had your account suspended?

How many baskets are your social eggs in? 

Image of wire fence courtesy of artur84 at

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