Culture Magazine

Twist (2021) Movie Review

By Newguy

Twist – Movie Review

Discover the modern twist on the classic tale of Oliver Twist. Read our review of the movie and find out if it lives up to the original story.

ABC Film Challenge – Set in the UK – O (Oliver Twist)

Director: Martin Owen

Writer: John Wrathall, Sally Collett (Screenplay)

Writer: Charles Dickens (Novel)


Plot: A Modern take on the classic tale of Oliver Twist.

Runtime: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

There may be spoilers in the rest of the review

Story: Twist starts as we meet street hustler Twist (Law) who fends for himself around London. However, his latest incident leads to him clashing with the law and Dodge (Ora) and Batesy (Drameh) saving him. They welcome to a world a young people taken in by Fagin (Caine), who has created a home for outcasts.

As Twist gets welcomed in, he learns what Fagin does and he puts together a series of heists for the poor. The latest sees Twist join the team with Red (Simnett) and learn more about being part of a team. However, he learns more about the people involved and struggles to know who to trust.

Verdict on Twist

Twist is a modern action comedy take on the classic novel. It takes us into the streets of London, filled with hustlers trying to make the most of life. However, one young man finds himself drawn into a criminal world.

This movie is a needless reimagination of the classic novel, however, it ends up becoming a lacklustre heist movie. There is no magic in the original tale and the characters could be from any world, tagging Oliver Twist’s character names into the film feels lazy. There is nothing enjoyable in this movie and in the end it is mostly forgettable.

Where to Watch


Final Thoughts Twist is largely forgettable and lacks the spark.

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