Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Twin Flames Discussion Blogtalkradio 2/18/2014

By Clarkkent07 @lpatterson1017

Beautiful discussion and a wonderful post which we are posting from our dear friend…  The discussion can be found on the link…



LOVE is a word that we all know; yet for so many it is so hard to connect with. Why does it seem to elude so many people and they choose to hate, destroy and cause imbalance? This occurs throughout history in a minute to minute, weekly, daily, monthly, yearly, and evolutionary pattern. There appears to be a circle we are walking around that never seems to end, constantly changing; yet we continually strive to find that universal sense of Love, both for the self and for others. At this juncture in our human evolution, our planet is going through a vibrational shift that is guiding us towards using our heart center for decision making. Whether we are aware of it or not, whether we participate in the shift or not, whether we believe in the power of the Laws of the Universe or not, the shift is happening. I do believe more and more people are awakening and they are being tugged, slammed, pushed, pulled, prodded into this vortex of a new way of being, thinking and doing.

So, what is LOVE really? Is it a state of mind, is it a feeling, and is it an emotion? When you take the time to step back, let go of all the stressors of the day, negative feelings/thoughts, and constraints, you have an opportunity to tune into what IS. What you will find, sense, feel, smell, experience is the Essence of Love. Love is not something we have to attain or we need to get from others; rather it is already a part of our existence. The reason we have had so many problems with love is we have lost the ability to tap into our innate inner knowledge of LOVE. Because of all the manipulation, control and deceit by those who have lost their connection within themselves of the love of the universe; we have been influenced to believe whatever love we know does not exist. All you have to do is sit in silence, slow your breath and clear your mind, and then amazingly you will feel a sensation unlike any you have felt before. The wonderful thing about LOVE is it can never be taken away from you; it can never go away because it is always THERE. Just as we know there is oxygen in the air but we do not see it, yet we benefit from its essence for it is this element that keeps us alive. LOVE is the element that keeps us going through the positive effect it has on the mind, body and spirit.

The key to truly understanding LOVE is to understand who you are. Think about who you are without the influence of others, who you want to be regardless of what others may do, think or say. Focus on what you want in life through joyful, positive thinking. Through the process of letting go of trying to FIND love and instead knowing you ARE love, only then can you experience this love you are looking for. Seeing what is great about YOU, those things that bring you joy, inspiration and happiness creates a balanced energy within your individual vortex. This will then extend out to others and open up their senses to align with what they want. As a result any control, manipulation or deceit that has been part of your experience will simply disappear. You will begin to see miraculous changes in both yourself and others. The feelings of LOVE will become part of your communication with yourself as well as with others. Any self talk will be focused on the beauty you have within and any negativity from others will either go away or turn into gratitude and appreciation.

Everything is made of energy and there is a time and place for us to learn what we are meant to see and experience.  This energy may exist for you in order to expand your own spiritual growth. As you reach a new understanding of each encounter with love or the opposite, your perception of the way you view life will change. This can lead to a re-evaluation of the awareness you already have and any new awareness you may be gaining. It is like adding another piece of the puzzle that may be bigger than you thought.

There is no remedy for love other than to love more today than you did yesterday

Special thanks to:

The Essence LOVE
By Eileen Bild
[email protected]
Facebook: Twin Flames

We love you and Trevor both…  Thank you for this! 

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