Today I turn twenty-eight. Yeh, 28. T-w-e-n-t-y-e-i-g-h-t. How did that happen? Blimey. Unfortunately, as life doesn't stop for birthdays (how rude) I'm working today and it will no doubt be a hectic day with the arrival of new students. To compensate I made sure I had lots of fun things planned over the weekend - and it totally lived up to expectations! Saturday evening was spent eating pizza (at my new favorite place, The Stable in Winchester) and drinking prosecco... closely followed by cider, espresso martinis, jagerbombs et al. Ouch. A great evening with some of my closest pals, it was lovely.
Despite feeling pretty groggy on Sunday morning, Rich and I dusted ourselves off and hopped on down to The Pig in Brockenhurst for a special birthday lunch. As expected, it was totally delicious. We started with various 'piggy bits' - sausage rolls, crackling, pork shoulder and cured ham with melted cheese. Agh, just remembering it and I'm drooling! We both then went for the steaks, naturally. Thrice cooked chips yes please. The Pig was hosting their final Smoked and Uncut festival of the summer, so after our meal we were able to enjoy a drink in the sunshine listening to live music. Perfection!
As I'm writing this I'm snuggled on the sofa watching telly and eating birthday cake - the perfect way to end the weekend. These pictures are a little catalog of my weekend, if you follow me on instagram you'll have seen some of these already. My outfit is nothing special; a Zara playsuit I bought of eBay for a tenner (#winning), with an H&M navy trench and Missguided suede peeptoe boots. The shorts I'm wearing at The Pig are from New Look, such a bargain and so versatile.