Tuberculosis is an airborne disease (contagious infection) caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) that usually affects the lungs leading to severe coughing, chest pains and fever. It can also spread to different parts of your body, like your brain, kidney and spine.TB is spread from person to another person through the air. When people with TB in lungs cough, sneeze or spit, they propel the TB germs into the air. A person became infected he inhale on few of these germs.
About 25% of the world’s population has latent TB, which means people have been infected by TB bacteria but have no symptoms and cannot transmit the disease.
People infected with TB bacteria have a 10–15% lifetime risk of falling ill with TB. Persons with compromised(low) immune systems, such as people suffering with HIV, malnutrition or diabetes, or people who use tobacco, have a higher risk of falling ill with tuberculosis. People with well-functioning immune systems may not experience TB symptoms, even though they are infected with the bacteria.
When a person develops active TB disease, the symptoms may be mild for many months. If there will delays in seeking care, and results in transmission of the bacteria to others.
Tuberculosis Types
A Tuberculosis infection does not always mean you’ll get sick. There are two forms of the disease:
- Latent TB. You have the germs in your body, but your immune system restrict them from spreading. In this condition, you have a TB infection, but the bacteria remain in inactive stage your body and cause no symptoms. But the infection is still alive and can one day become active. Latent TB, also called inactive TB in which TB infection isn’t contagious. It can turn into active TB, so treatment is important for the person with latent TB and to help control the spread of TB If you’re at high risk for re-activation — for instance, if you have HIV, you had an infection in the past 2 years, your chest X-ray is unusual, or your immune system is weakened — your doctor will give you medications to prevent active TB. An estimated 2 billion people have latent TB.
- Active TB. The germs multiply and make you sick. You can spread the disease to others. It can occur in the first few weeks after infection with the TB bacteria, or it might occur years later.
- Miliary TB. This is rare situation, in which diseases is highly active.TB bacteria spread over the blood stream and spread all over the body forming tiny nodules and affect multiple organs. This is most fatal and most dangerous form of tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis Signs and Symptoms
Latent TB doesn’t have symptoms. A skin or blood test can tell if you have it.
Signs of active TB disease include:
- A cough that lasts more than 3 weeks
- phlegm, which may have blood in it, when they cough
- Chest pain
- Coughing up blood
- Feeling tired all the time(a general feeling of fatigue and being unwell)
- Night Sweats
- Chills
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Weakness
- Tuberculosis can also affect other parts of your body, including your kidneys, spine or brain. When TB occurs outside your lungs, signs and symptoms vary according to the organs involved. For example, tuberculosis of the spine may give you back pain, and tuberculosis in your kidneys might cause blood in your urine persistently. Other symptoms are swollen lymph nodes, or “swollen glands”, abdominal pain, joint or bone pain, confusion, a persistent headache, seizures and many others according to organ affected.
A bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes. Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria that spread from person to person through microscopic droplets released into the air. This can happen when someone with the untreated, active form of tuberculosis coughs, speaks, sneezes, spits, laughs or sings.
Tuberculosis Risk Factors
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who have an increased risk of tuberculosis be screened for latent TB infection. This recommendation includes people who:
- A friend, co-worker, or family member has active TB.
- You live in or have traveled to an area where TB is common
- You’re part of a group in which TB is more likely to spread, or you work or live with someone who is. This includes homeless people, people who have HIV, people in jail or prison, and people who inject drugs into their veins.
- You work or live in a hospital or nursing home.
- You’re a health care worker for patients at high risk of TB.
- You’re a smoker.
- Medications that suppress the immune system can also put people at risk for developing active TB disease
A healthy immune system fights the TB bacteria. But you might not be able to fend off active TB disease if you have:
- HIV or AIDS(anyone with a weakened immune system)
- Diabetes
- Severe kidney disease
- Head and neck cancers
- Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy
- Low body weight and poor nutrition
- Medications for organ transplants
- Certain drugs to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Cohn’s disease, and psoriasis
- Use IV drugs
- Are children and are exposed to adults at risk of TB
- people who have not received appropriate treatment for TB in the past
Tuberculosis Transmission
When someone who has TB coughs, sneezes, talks, laughs, or sings, they release tiny droplets that contain the germs. If you breathe in these germs, you can get it.
TB isn’t easy to catch. You usually have to spend a long time around someone who has a lot of the bacteria in their lungs. You’re most likely to catch it from co-workers, friends, and family members.
Tuberculosis germs don’t thrive on surfaces. You can’t get it from shaking hands with someone who has it or by sharing their food or drink.
Tuberculosios is aptly compared with Rajayakshma in Ayurveda. Rajayakshma is primarily correlated with Dhatukshaya (tissue emaciation or loss). This process universally initiates the process of pathogenesis in Rajayakshma patients.
This process universally initiates the process of pathogenesis in Rajayakshma patients. In addition, there is inevitable metabolic dysfunction (Dhatwagninasana), in which rasa (tissue fluid), rakta (blood), mamsa (muscle), meda (adipose tissue), and sukra (generative tissue) are lost. This leads to ultimate deterioration of immunity or ojokshaya. As per Ayurvedic concepts, an unbalanced metabolic change occur leading to loss of various dhatus (tissue) such as Ojokshaya, sukra, meda dhatus to rasa dhatu preceding each other, which is known as Pratilomakshaya.
CHANDIGARH AYURVEDIC CENTRE has medicines cough go tablet ,immune up powder, kas shwas hari ras ,amrit tulsi ras, reactive powder,which contain herbs which are very effective in balancing dosha, and boosting immunity, improving strength of body and gaining weight and also mainting proper functioning of all Dhatus.
Description of ayurvedic medicine
1. Kas Shwas Hari Rasa
Kas Shwas hari rasa is an excellent medicine for entire Pranavaha srotas. It acts as a vata-kaphaghna. These tablets contain ingredients like– Shwas kasa chintamani rasa, Laxmivilas nardiya rasa, Sutashekhar rasa, Talisadi churna processed in Bhawana Vasa Kwath. The tablet has best result in recurrent cough, cold, asthma, and sinusitis. It is effective in recurrence of Pranavaha Srotas related vikar developed due to low immunity & give effective results to asthma patients.
2. Cough Go Tablets:
These herbal tablets are beneficial in cough, cold, bronchitis, & other respiratory disorders. Cough Go Tablets are ayurvedic formulation containing Sonth (Zingiber officinale), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Pippali (Piper longum), Kali mirch (Piper nigrum), etc. All these ingredients show antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilator, & expectorant properties.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 drops twice daily in a cup of water.
3. Amrit Tulsi Ras:
Amrit Tulsi Ras is a pure herbal preparation containing five types of Tulsi extracts Ocimum sanctum, Ocimum gratissium, Ocimum canum, Ocimum basilicum, Ocimum citriodorum. This herbal drop increases immunity, helps to treat cough, common cold and skin, respiratory diseases specially bronchitis. It gives effective results in bacterial and viral infections.
Recommended Dosage: Take 2 drops twice daily in a cup of water.
4. Reactive powder:
CAC RE-ACTIVE POWDER is a herbo-mineral powder and is purely Ayurvedic formulation. CAC RE-ACTIVE POWDER is herbal supplement for bodybuilding and weight management without any side effects. It is a health supplement for daily use. Re-active powder contains herbal ingredients such as Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Safed musli (Asparagus abscendens), Salam Panja (Orchis lalifolia), Vadari Kand (Puerania tuberosa), Shudh Shilajeet (Asphaltum punjabianum), Kaunch beej (Mucuna prurita), etc. These herbs helps to maximize Stamina, provides extra bone strength, calms the brain, maximize anabolic activity, and maximize muscle growth and power, balances hormonal levels. Herbal Re-active powder is a Delicious Chocolate flavored Health and Brain tonic for both children and adults
Recommended dosage: 10 GM Twice a day with lukewarm Milk or water.
5. Immune up powder:
CAC Immuno up sachet is pure herbal formulation. The importance of working on your immunity is now on an all-time high. If a person fall ill easily, it means their body’s immunity is low. This pacifies tridosha (Vata, pitta and Kapha), strengthen your immunity, keeps your digestive system fit and also detox your body. it also works in cold, fever and flu conditions. It consists of effectitake fve levels of antioxidants, Vitamin C and E which circulate in the body to protect it against the damage caused by free radicals. it is a natural immune-modulator properties to prevent and ease coughing, sneezing, etc. It provides quick relief from early signs of running nose, Sore throat, body pains, and weakness.
What is the Panchakarma Treatment for Tuberculosis?
Chandigarh Ayurved Centre provides the best Panchakarma treatment for Asthma. These therapies are conducted by well-trained staff under the supervision of Ayurvedic Doctor. Following therapies are recommended for asthma patients:
Don’t commit a suicidal mistake of medicine for asthma over the counter. Self-medication can prove fatal. Asthma isn’t to be ignored. Visiting a qualified medical practitioner is a must. And avoid reckless over-the-counter asthma medication as much as possible.
Snehana – Medicated oil mixed with mild salt should be gently massaged on the chest and back to lose the Grathita Kapha in the chest. In Asthma, Grathita kapha (mucus plug) is present, thus the snehana procedure is useful in Vilayana of the Kapha, thereby removing the sanga (obstruction of the airway).
Swedana – By this process, the grathita kapha gets dissolve in the body thus the kapha becomes softened in the channels and as a result, the movement of Vata is restored to its normal condition.
Vaman – To eliminate or expectorate the liquefy Kapha, vaman should be given with proper method.
Healthy diet and lifestyle for tuberculosis:
- Include a red variety of rice and seed of barley in your diet
- Add fruit like pomegranate, amalaki and mango in your diet.
- Consume goat’s milk
- Do not consume fried and fatty food
- Avoid excessive sexual intercourse and daytime sleep
- Avoid extreme emotions like anger