Self Expression Magazine

Tsu – Reminds Me of Twitter but is It a Real Social Network?

By Lisa @Lisapatb

Tsu – Is it a Real or a Fake Social Network?

TsuYou must have heard the buzz around Tsu by now – it is one of the latest social networks to come on the market recently. You cannot join without an invite and when you do you then become part of someone else’s family tree. If you have followed me for a while here you know I love social networks and had to just test this new one out.

At first it reminded me of Twitter, The ease of use for me was extremely easy and it felt a lot like Twitter. You can see from the image how much it even LOOKS like Twitter. That was until I noticed the $ sign in the upper right hand corner of Tsu. This social network shares it’s revenues with its users. But what must you do to earn revenue via this new social network Tsu?

Making Money Using Tsu

Making money sounds good right? But is it real I wondered? I delved into reading what some other early adapters of this social network wrote and found both good and bad. Some loved the site and others called it a scam.  I found Wade Harman’s Guide on Tsu quite helpful and fair. You can also check out Amanda Bain’s take on Tsu being a scam before you decide whether to join or not.

I had to find out for myself. I kept on getting invites on both Twitter and Facebook to join. I finally accepted someone who sent me a DM on Facebook – a blogger I have followed for years. Besides I thought, It would give me something to post on and share with you, right?

So how do you make money via Tsu? According to Tsu “tsū shares social revenues that come from third party ads, sponsorships and partnerships. Once economics are created, tsū receives 10% to maintain the platform. Half of the remaining earned revenue is paid to the user who created the content. The other half of the remaining earned revenue is distributed to the user’s network Family Tree. Users on tsū monetize their content and network in perpetuity, which continues to grow alongside the community.”

They claim 90% of their revenues are now being shared.  So it’s based on getting others to join the site and become part of your family tree, for content you create, share and engage with.

Redeeming Your Tsu Earnings

Tsu makes you have to wait until you have $100 in earnings to cash out. Just hit the redeem button on the upper right hand corner and fill out some verifications. They then send out actual checks to their users.  You may then transfer funds from your bank to other Tsu users, friends or charities. There is a button on users profile for you to share your earnings with others if you so desire to.

friends or followers on Tsu
Friends or Followers on Tsu – What’s the Difference?

Followers and friends on social networks work differently on different networks. On Tsu followers can see your public posts and friends can see all your posts. So only be “friends” with those you really know – that part of Tsu reminds me of Facebook. But remember Tsu does not have “private” or “restricted” options like Facebook offers. At the moment you cannot block anyone on Tsu but they are working on rolling out that feature soon, so stay tuned!

Do you post to friends or public on Facebook? I know many people still don’t understand the differences when it comes to this. When you post public – anyone can see your posts without being your friend. When you post to friends only your friends will see your posts.

This is an important distinction if anyone is looking you up via Google, etc because if you post public – anyone could see your posts including a future employer. Just a little tip to remember for some newbie’s and others who may not have noticed before!

What Are Family Trees on Tsu?

Users of Tsu have family trees. Everytime someone joins via your invite they become part of your family tree. They are considered your children. New children are the latest members you invited to join Tsu. Friends in your family tree may or may not have come via your invite but became friends with you on this new social network. Your network on Tsu is the overall members that stem from your invites to their network. (If your children invite others those new members become your grandchildren).  Half of a users revenue is generated via the family tree.

What Do I Like About Tsu?

  • Customer Service – I had a question when I first signed up. I used a wrong email address. I misspelled gmail. They  got right back to me and fixed it within 24 hours. Customer service is important when you have questions and/or issues.
  • It feels like Twitter! Of  course I would like that but why do both? I’m experimenting and wanted to learn more about Tsu. What better way than to join?

If you would like to join Tsu here is my invite code: 

SO what do you think of the new social network Tsu?

What else have you heard about it?  Have you or will you join?

Friends or Followers image courtesy of kibsri at

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Tsu – Reminds Me of Twitter but is it a Real Social Network?


Lisa loves helping others to thrive online through Social Media, Blogging and SEO. What good is knowledge if you cannot share it with others?
She has 20+ years experience in marketing/advertising with 4 years experience blogging, social media and SEO. Get her new eBook Tweeting Like It's 2nd Nature Today!
Tsu – Reminds Me of Twitter but is it a Real Social Network?

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