Society Magazine
Five different news pieces have captured my attention this morning.
The first, of course, is the one of which most are now aware, the beheading of a second journalist by ISIS. The second coming out of Nigeria where reports are that scores have been killed by Boko Haram, the third being the Amnesty International report detailing ISIS' turning Iraq into 'blood-soaked killing fields', the fourth concerns the stealing of up to eleven different commercial airliners in Libya by Islamic militants and the final one being the story about our bombing a terrorist stronghold in Somalia.
I'm no expert in what is undoubtedly a rather complex set of circumstances surrounding all these threatening pieces but I am intrigued that we would go after extremists in Somalia while it seems our attention is needed elsewhere.
Was the Somalia operation simply an opportunity not to be passed up? Why Somalia? Aren't the circumstances in Nigeria, Libya, Syria and Iraq more compelling as to the need for action?
I'm perplexed.
Maybe someone smarter than I can help me understand why we're bombing in Somalia and pretty much ignoring what seems to be more threatening circumstances in other places.
Leave it in the comments.