
Try These Magical and Quick Tips to Clean Your Sink and Make It Look Like New

Posted on the 02 September 2022 by L'Express

For a dirt-free sink, use our simple tips to make it look like new! The details!

Between your morning and evening routines, the bathroom sink accumulates all sorts of impurities. Toothpaste clumps, makeup marks, soap scum, water spots and more! These can build up on the surface throughout the day, creating a lot of dirt that can’t simply be removed when you wash your hands. So daily cleaning is a must for a spotless sink! Here are our tips!

Sink: how to clean it effectively?

To remove some of the most stubborn dirt, specific cleaning is necessary. However, you should plan to do a thorough washing once a week.

For a clean and dirt-free sink, you’ll need to tackle bacteria, stains and odors. And that’s with the help of an effective cleaner. Whether it’s with natural or industrial products!

You can clean most bathroom sinks with a spray cleaner and a soft cloth. For a gentler option, use a mild dishwashing detergent or distilled white vinegar mixed with water to remove dirt.

You may also need an old toothbrush or other small, soft-bristled brush. These will help you scrub around the faucet and drain. For daily cleaning, keep a box of cleaning wipes nearby so you can easily clean the sink each night.

The easiest ways to whiten this area of the bathroom!

For a simple sink cleaning, let the water do the work. Fill it with a few inches of warm water and add a little dish detergent or a cup or two of white vinegar.

Rub the mixture around the stained areas. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes, then drain the sink, rinse and dry. Finally, wipe off any remaining moisture with a dry cloth.

The sink can quickly accumulate dirt. Here’s another very effective trick you can try. Mix equal parts baking soda and white vinegar.

Then pour it into the sink, using a brush to work it into the space under the rim. Leave it in for at least 15 minutes, scrub well and dry afterwards. Repeat regularly for super shiny sinks!

Clean your sink with these great ingredients!

It is very common to spill a drop of toothpaste in the bathroom sink. But instead of wiping it down the next time, rub your sink with the toothpaste to clean it. This will give it a shine and a pleasant smell.

This way, stained areas will regain their unmistakable shine! Especially since it is an item that you always have close by. No need to go shopping or follow a whole protocol for its preparation!

When mixed together, lemon and salt can be an unbeatable cleaning agent! These ingredients will restore your sink to its former glory. Simply sprinkle the salt over the dirt-infected areas.

Then cover with fresh lemon juice. Leave the solution on for about ten minutes and then rinse with warm water! You’ll see the fascinating results right away!

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