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Trunk Fighting: An Appalling New Trend to Dog Fighting

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
dog fighting

Dog fighting is one animal rights issue that has been debated, argued and fought over for several decades now. This hot issue is circling the news, once again, as more and more warnings about dog scoping and stealing are posted on several social media websites. But what’s more disturbing now is that aside from the horrific “normal” dog fighting, a new appalling and detestable trend of dog fighting in Florida emerges – the “trunk fighting.” The distressful and abusive trend is called as such because:

Two dogs are put in trunk, bets are made on which animal will survive and the car is driven around until no noises are coming from the trunk. The ringleaders then open the trunk and see which dog is still alive. [source]


The news turns from worse to worst when minors are brought to witness this cruelty. Even the idea of people watching and enjoying this abuse, let alone bring youngsters to this, is truly sickening. Since this is an act of crime, an abuse to animal rights, Florida aptly increased the penalties for the wrongdoers.


The measure makes trunk fighting a third degree crime which carries a three to five-year jail term and fine up to $15,000.It also provides civil penalties for the crime, including fines of up to $3,000 for the first violation and up to $5,000 for a subsequent offense.

It also provides civil penalties for the crime, including fines of up to $3,000 for the first violation and up to $5,000 for a subsequent offense.

The Assemblyman’s bill also clarifies that bringing a minor under the age of 18 to be present at and witness the fighting or baiting of an animal is also a third degree crime and carries a civil penalty of $3,000 to $5,000. [source]


Needless to say, this new fad of dog fighting is an abuse not just to man’s best friend, but to the power men have over animals. Hopefully, with proper awareness against dog fighting and increase of knowledge about animal rights, fads like trunk fighting will never see the light of day.

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