Politics Magazine

Trump Says He's Been Exonerated - The Public Disagrees

Posted on the 29 March 2019 by Jobsanger
Trump Says He's Been Exonerated - The Public Disagrees
Robert Mueller has submitted the report of what he found in investigating Trump's collusion with Russia in the 2016 campaign. No one outside of executives in the Justice Department knows what is in that report. All we have been given is a four page summary of the report by Attorney General Barr (of a report that we know now is at least 300 pages long).
It's highly unlikely that Barr's short summary is really indicative of what is contained in the Mueller Report. But Donald Trump doesn't care (just like he has never cared about facts on any issue). He's already bragging loudly that the Mueller Report completely and fully exonerated him of any collusion with Russia.
Fortunately, most Americans are not stupid enough to believe that without seeing proof. It turns out that 56% of adults (and 55% of registered voters) say they don't believe the Mueller Report has exonerated Trump of collusion -- and the same is true of majorities of men, women, those under age 45, those over age 45, whites, nonwhites, Democrats, and Independents.
The only group thinking Trump was exonerated are Republicans -- big surprise.
The chart reflects the results of a new CNN / SSRS Poll -- done on March 25th and 26th of a national sample of 701 adults, with a margin of error of 5.4 points.

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