Donald J Trump, candidate, promised he had a plan to defeat ISIS very quickly. When asked about details he said he wouldn't share any because "you don't broadcast what you're going to do." That piece of nonsense allowed him to avoid answering a question which had nothing to do with strategy, after all FDR certainly made no bones about the fact we'd send troops to Europe, and everything to do with really not having an answer.
I say that because, yesterday, we all finally found out what his plan is, he PLANS to ask for a plan. What a startling revelation!! I'm SOO glad he didn't tip his hand. So, to sum up, his secret plan was to ask others for a secret plan
And to allow Russia to exterminate all Syrian opposition to the Assad government, ISIS, democratic groups, women, kids. The rest of his "secret" plan, outside the 'not having a plan part', is to allow a brutal regime to engage in genocide. Gosh, I'm so glad we're "winning" so much we get tired of winning. Great Plan, Donald. I'm HUGELY impressed and I'm tired of winning this way, so feel free to get some adult to make you an actual plan for how to govern.