It should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is a very greedy individual. It was so during his time as a private citizen, and he is now using his elected office to enrich himself.
But we now learn there is no limit to his greed. He is so greedy that he would take money raised to go to a charity for cancer-stricken children (and how can anyone go lower than that).
Since about 2010, Trump's son Eric has held a golf tournament to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. It's a good cause, and Eric Trump should be proud of raising money for that cause.
Eric Trump advertised the golf tournament as debt-free for the charity -- since it's held at his father's golf course and other expenses are also donated. He claims that all of the money therefore goes to the charity.
That's the way it operated for the first few years -- until Donald Trump began to see how much money was being raised, and decided that a chunk of that money should go into his own pocket. He instructed the golf club to stop allowing the tournament (and dinner) to be held for free. He told them to charge his son's charity for all expenses. The last tournament paid Trump over $300,000 for expenses. Since there's no way the tournament could cost that much, it seems that Trump is taking a bit extra for his own benefit (instead of letting the money simply go to the charity).
And that's not all. It seems that another $500,000 was held back from the designated charity, and given to other charities of the Trump family. Charities that also hold golf tournaments at Donald Trump's golf course -- putting more money into Trump's own pocket.
The whole story is explained in an article in Forbes Magazine. I urge you to read the whole thing. If it doesn't make you mad, then you are a die-hard (and heartless) trumpista.