Politics Magazine

Trump Is Out-Of-Step With The Public On Saudi Arabia

Posted on the 06 December 2018 by Jobsanger
Trump Is Out-Of-Step With The Public On Saudi Arabia
Trump Is Out-Of-Step With The Public On Saudi Arabia
Donald Trump has cast his lot with the murderous monarchy in Saudi Arabia. Even though the rest of the world has seen and accepted the evidence that Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered and oversaw the horrible murder of a Washington Post journalist, and our own CIA has said the evidence is certain, Trump refuses to accept it.
It once again puts him in opposition to the wishes of the American public. Most people do not like the way Trump is handling Saudi Arabia by a 13 point margin (a 16 point margin among registered voters). And the public opposes the U.S. continuing to sell arms and military equipment to Saudi Arabia by a whopping 33 point margin (and an equal 33 point margin among registered voters).
The charts above reflect the results of a new Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between December 2nd and 4th of a national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,286 registered voters). The margin of error for adults is 3.1 points, and 2.9 points for registered voters.

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