Once again an enterprising person sees a need and provides the solution. This time it’s a new dating site—yeah we know another dating site, so what. However, this one has a great hook. It’s called Maple Match and it is the brain-child of a 25 year old American, Joe Goldman, from Texas who paid attention when so many peers were saying that they would move to Canada in the event that we end up with President Trump in the White House.
According to Maple Match, it is designed to “make it easy for Americans to find their ideal Canadian partner to save them from the unfathomable horror of a Trump presidency.” Goldman promises to “make dating great again.” He admits that he has always been fascinated by Canada, and this seemed like a perfect opportunity to bring the two countries closer together.
Only one week after the site launched, 13,000 people had already signed up—one-fourth of them Canadians. People from Seattle and New York City represent the highest demographic for Americans so far—looks like those states will be going for whoever runs on the Democratic ticket. Goldman has also signed up—maybe his personal reasons were a major driver here.
It’s ready, popular and free—so what are you waiting for? if you hate the cold weather, you can always move back to the states with your Canadian sweetheart when a different president is elected 4 or 8 years down the road. After all you will have to apply for citizenship and will have time to change your mind while it is in process. What the heck, maybe Mr. or Ms. Right are just across our Northern border and lucky fate is steering you’re their way.