
Trump Contradicts by Fox Reporter Over Remarks Attributed to Biden

Posted on the 18 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619


(Washington) President Donald Trump is often in conquered territory on conservative television Fox News, but his last interview saw him taken up by a chain journalist on remarks attributed to his democratic opponent Joe Biden on the police.

Published on 18 July 2020 at 10 h 39

France Media Agency

During the interview, filmed outside in front of the Oval Office and an extract of which was published before its full broadcast on Sunday on Fox News Sunday , Mr. Trump attributed the rise in violence in some cities in the United States to the weakness, he said, of their Democratic leaders.

“They mismanaged them,” said Trump after journalist Chris Wallace told him that many cities had been run by Democratic mayors for decades.

“It's always been bad, but it's now totally out of control. And it's really because they want to cut funds to the police, and Biden wants to cut funds to the police, “said the president.

“No sir, he doesn't want it,” Chris Wallace countered.

Mr. Trump then claimed that Joe Biden had signed a charter with left-wing Senator Bernie Sanders to cut law enforcement budgets.

Again contradicted by his interviewer, the president asked his team to bring him the text in question, but the allegation was not there, Chris Wallace then told Fox.

“Defund the police”, is one of the slogans which appeared in the anti-racist demonstrations which shook the United States after the death of George Floyd at the end of May .

Joe Biden is ahead of the Republican President by nine percentage points in the average of national polls carried out by the RealClearPolitics site.

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