Politics Magazine

Trump Approval Is Underwater Nut Democrats Approval Is Even Worse

Posted on the 18 March 2025 by Jobsanger
Trump Approval Is Underwater Nut Democrats Approval Is Even Worse
 Trump Approval Is Underwater Nut Democrats Approval Is Even Worse
The charts above reflect the results of the CNN / SSRS Poll -- done between March 6th and 9th of a nationwide sample of 1,206 adults, with a 3.3 point margin of error.
Job approval for Donald Trump is dropping - and now several polls have shown that more people disapprove of the job he is doing than approve of it.
One might think that is good for Democrats. Not so. Polls are now showing that the Democratic Party is even more unpopular than Trump. The CNN poll (shown above) shows that only 29% of adults (and only 30% of registered voters) approve of the Democrats.
Why is this?
The pundits are saying the Democrats are "elitist" and have lost touch with the working man. I don't believe that. How much more elitist can you get than the Republican Party - run by billionaire oligarchs only interested in feathering their own nest?
I believe it is something more fundamental than issues. After all, a majority of voters actually oppose most issues put forward by Trump and the Republican Party.
Congressional Democrats, especially their leaders, are seen as soft -- unwilling to fight hard for the things they say they believe in. And that image was not helped when Senate Democrats rolled over and surrendered to the GOP on the continuing resolution.
I understand the Democrats were left with two bad choices - shutting down the government or allowing a terrible resolution to pass. Both would have been bad for the American people. But the path they chose was one that made them look weak and ineffectual. They would have been much better off to fight against the resolution - even if it meant a shutdown and eventually losing. At least they would have been seen to be fighters.
When the Republicans were out of power, they fought the Democrats on every issue. They didn't Winn a lot, but they came off as being fighters. And that helped them to return to power.
Democrats must do the same. Oppose the Trump/Republican agenda and make them work hard to pass anything. If you can't defeat it, then delay it with every legal and political maneuver possible. Make life hard for Trump and the GOP - and keep doing it time after time. And do it loudly, so the public sees it.
The voting public doesn't have to agree with you on everything to vote for you. But they must believe you are a fighter. They won't vote for someone (either an individual or a party) that is perceived as weak or cowardly. Unfortunately, that's how Democrats are currently perceived.

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