Throughout his life, Donald Trump has acted in ways that show his racism. From his banning Blacks from living in his buildings repeated in the 1970's to his remarks on the campaign trail to his remarks supporting the white supremacists in the Charlottesville demonstrations. A couple of days ago, he added more proof of his racist views.
In a rally for a Republican senate candidate in Alabama, he veered off-topic to denigrate Americans who act to call for racial justice in the United States. He offensively labeled them as "those people" and called the "sons-of-bitches". He was, of course, referring to minority individuals who peacefully protest racial injustice. He even called for them to be fired from their jobs.
During his campaign, he claimed he was a "uniter", but that was evidently just a sick joke. He has done more since assuming office to divide this country than any other American president has -- by far. He has made it clear that he doesn't believe in a diverse country, but only a country where whites rule and make all the decisions (and minorities are not treated equally under the law).
He should be ashamed of himself, but he has made it very clear that he has no shame (or ethics or morality). He's also made it clear that he doesn't believe in the rule of law or the Constitution upon which that law is based. The Supreme Court made it clear in 1943 that no American can be forced to stand for the pledge or the national anthem. And the Constitution guarantees all citizens the right to peaceably demonstrate.
To America's great shame, we now have an unrepentant racist living in the White House.
In response to Trump's racist speech in Alabama, more NFL players than ever took to their knee during the playing of the national anthem yesterday, and some teams did not even come on to the field until after the anthem was played. They made it clear that they support equal justice -- not racism.
But Trump is nothing if not obstinate. In his defense, he tweeted:

Of course, all that tweet did was show his own idiocy. American soldiers do not fight for a flag or a song. They fight to support and defend the Constitution (which guarantees all citizens the right to peaceably demonstrate for a redress of their grievances). Here is the oath they must take:
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."
Note that there's nothing in that oath about fighting for or defending a flag or a song -- only the Constitution of the United States.
Sadly, that's not a document that Trump seems to care much about.