Before the tagline “No One Lives Forever” started off True Blood’s 6th season, fans of the show were relatively certain that established and leading characters on the series would continue to go on. After season 6 however we learned that no one is indeed safe. Speaking on a panel at the Rio Film Festival this week, Raelle Tucker wanted to implement that concept in season 5 by killing Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin). Of the death she said:
“In season 5 I pitched to kill Sookie, I really did because I think nobody should be safe.”
While that obviously didn’t happen, Tucker explained that there has to be a certain amount of death because by bringing characters to the brink all the time without consequences, it becomes pointless. And when a character does die and an audience is upset, it means that the writers have done their job.
And with the advent of new streaming platforms, Raelle told the panel that it is an exciting time in television because there are very few boundaries:
“It feels that the only limitation on television is what you can imagine, there is no boundaries of what you can say, what you can do.”
According to the report from the Hollywood Reporter, Tucker is also working on two projects; one about a relationship between two women in their 20′s set in Silverlake’s “Junction” neighborhood from which the title comes. She is also working on another untitled piece about a women in a male dominated industry involving drugs and murder.
Source: Hollywood “Rio Film Festival: ‘True Blood’ Screenwriter Talks Killing Off Characters”
Image Credit: HBO, Inc.