Celeb Magazine

True Blood Season 6 Spoilers: Role of Connor Farley for 6×02

Posted on the 16 January 2013 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Spoiler TV has added another role to the casting call for episode 6.02 “Here Comes the Sun” which we posted about earlier this month. The role of Connor Farley, a 45 year-old man who works with the department of wildlife is being cast or it may have already been cast.

Farley is apparently on the way to meet with the Governor of Louisiana (Arliss Howard) when he enters into a problematic situation.

Interesting. Any thoughts on what that situation might be?

For more information on season 6, click on the link in the navigation menu at the top.

Source: SpoilerTV.com- “True Blood-Episode 6.02 Role of Connor Farley being cast”

Image Credit: True Blood Fan Source.com

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