Celeb Magazine

True Blood Season 4 Will Focus On Identity

Posted on the 26 May 2011 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

True Blood Season 4 Poster

HBO sure knows how to keep us on the edge of our seats waiting for the next season of True Blood.  From video teasers, posters, still photos to little tidbits released by the cast and crew, the anticipation is killing us.  The latest information comes from Executive Producer Alexander Woo who spoke to SFX magazine for their June 2011 issue.  While it hasn’t officially hit stands yet, the SFX website gave a little peak at some of the things Woo told them about the upcoming season. 

According to Woo identity issues will be front and center in Season 4

“We have a world of characters that can shape-shift: werewolves, shape-shifters, and were-panthers.  There are themes of identity there. Then there is a great sense of identity when you are a werewolf being part of a pack. Alcide has always been a lone wolf and not wanted to be so much a part of the pack, but we ask, ‘Can he get away from that?’ Also at the end of season three, Sam tells Tara to get the hell out of town so she can get away from everything that happened to her by running away. We will see how Tara deals with that and if leaving Bon Temps really changes who you are.”

He says Sookie will also be questioning herself because her allure to the vampires is more about her blood and her fae background.  As for Sam - we saw through flashbacks that he had already reinvented himself but this last season that seemed to come undone.  We will see if he can redeem that in Season 4.  One thing Woo mentions was that Russell Edgington did not get the final death in Season 3 so he hints that we haven’t seen the last of him. 

To read more of Woo’s interview click here but be sure to pick up the June issue of SFX Magazine where he will talk about what Eric’s identity crisis will be and why the show didn’t send Bill to Peru like the books did. 

Source:  SFX.co.uk – True Blood Season Four: Identity Crises For All

Photo Credit:  HBO, Inc.

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