Celeb Magazine

True Blood Season 4 Trailer: Breaking Up Sucks

Posted on the 31 May 2011 by Thevault @The_Vault

True Blood Season 4 Trailer: Breaking Up SucksBelow is a new True Blood season 4 trailer titled “Breaking Up Sucks” that has been released by HBO.

This promo provides a few more hints about what we can expect in Season 4. Is it possible that Sookie and Bill will stay broken up and remain apart? Sookie has harsh words for Bill saying, “Every time I found out something new about you, I wound up wishing I didn’t know it.”  What do you think this means?

However, lucky for Sookie it appears that there are plenty of shoulders available for her to cry on. The trailer shows that Sookie gets a bit closer with werewolf Alcide, and he doesn’t mind offering up a few hugs to Miss Stackhouse. Sexy vampire Eric Northman wants to stake his claim as well and tells Sookie, “You are mine.” Is this before or after the amnesia sets in?

Tell us what you think is going to happen in Season 4 by leaving a comment below.

source: entertainment.gather.com

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