Celeb Magazine

True Blood Season 4: Alan Ball and Charlaine Harris Talk Spoilers and Strategy

Posted on the 17 July 2011 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

Claudine dies in True Blood season 4The final scene of last Sunday’s True Blood episode “If You Love Me Why Am I Dyin’?” was definitely gasp worthy for some Bookies. Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) killing off Claudine (Lara Pulver), Sookie’s (Anna Paquin) faery godmother, came as a shock for those that know how her storyline progresses, and ends, in Charlaine Harris’ popular book series. Like with everything else pertaining to the show versus the books, creator Alan Ball has a strategy mapped out, and just because Claudine is gone from Sookie’s human world, doesn’t mean that we’ve seen the last of the fae:

“After everything that was going on with the fairies in the first episode, I think we wanted to sort of put a pin in that, but obviously it’s not over.  I felt it would have more impact if it was someone we knew as opposed to just a random fairy.”

Yes, choosing Claudine as the faery to succumb to Eric’s fangs definitely had more impact. Harris herself admits that she “was surprised” by the death of Claudine, but her trust in Ball and where he takes the story-lines are what matter:

“If he can be gracious to me, I can certainly be gracious enough to wait and see where he’s going.”

And where he’s going is anyone’s guess. Ball has a habit of saying one thing, but then another thing may end up happening. He truly likes to elicit that gasp-effect, and he does it pretty well, too. Cast members have admitted that they usually have no idea what’s going to happen with their character until they receive the script a few days before filming. And Bookies have learned that even though we’ve all read the books (sometimes more than once), it doesn’t mean we can predict what’s going to happen on the show since Ball normally has so many tricks up his sleeve:

“If we did just do everything in the books, there would be no surprises. It’s not like we have a formula for what we’re going to keep from the books and what we’re going to change. If there’s a consensus that something makes sense, that’s usually the way we go.”

In tonight’s episode “I’m Alive and On Fire“, we’re going to see how Eric reacts to draining a (full) fae and it looks pretty delicious, actually. Ball went a step further and teased some spoilers for what to expect in the next few episodes:

“It gets ugly between the vampires and the witches. There’s more than one fight coming up. There’s also a very unexpected romantic attachment which you’ll start to see the beginnings of I believe in next week’s episode. We’re gonna find out a lot about Jesus’ (Kevin Alejandro) magic that’s in his family. We’re gonna get to the bottom of what’s going on with Arlene’s (Carrie Preston) baby.”

An unexpected romantic attachment? Sounds juicy! Who do you think it is, Truebies?

Source: EW.com – ‘True Blood’: Alan Ball and Charlaine Harris discuss Sunday’s shocking death of [SPOILER] — EXCLUSIVE

Photo Credit: HBO

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