TV & Video Magazine

True Blood’s Ginger, Tara Buck Shares Her Beauty Secrets

Posted on the 14 May 2014 by Thevault @The_Vault



photo credit: Mathieu Bitton

True Blood’s Tara Buck might be best known for her role as Ginger on HBO’s True Blood, but this blonde beauty has been featured on everything from Party Of Five, to Nip/Tuck, to Bones and many more.


What is your first makeup or beauty related memory?
My Mom gave me a makeup kit as part of my “dress up box” when I was about 8 or 9. I’m sure it was a collection of items she no longer used and it was my pride and joy. I took it with me everywhere, showed it off to friends and often offered to give the neighborhood kids makeovers. Some kids weren’t allowed to wear makeup, so it was frequently a secret indulgence that had to be removed when they left our play dates. My Mom is an artist and I always felt like I was practicing my painting skills as I experimented with applying eyeshadows.

What is your everyday morning beauty routine like?
I wake up, wash may face with water and maybe a little Dermaquest Glyco Creamy Cleanser, do the usual teeth brushing bit but beyond that my morning routine varies significantly from very minimal to a full on production. I always apply sunscreen and a under eye cream. If I’m not on set working or going to auditions I save the makeup and blow dry for later in the evening. I like to be outside when the sun is shining and beyond protecting my skin I don’t really want much more. My routine is more consistent before I go to bed. Preclease, cleanse, always a good moisturizer under my eyes and usually a good lip scrub.

Do you have any tricks that you have learned on sets?
When I’m shooting True Blood I wear a lot of makeup. Heavy everything! I wear liberal amounts of foundation, full lashes, liner, a spray tan and usually a lot of blood. When shooting is finished at the end of the day all I want to do it get that makeup off. They always have Dermalogica Precleanse in the trailer waiting with a warm washcloth when we are finished shooting. The Precleanse just kind of melts away the layers of product without leaving my face feeling irritated or raw. I fell in love with this product onset and now I use it at home as well.

What will you never leave the house without wearing or applying?
SUNSCREEN! Dermaquest tinted moisturizer with SPF is my favorite right now. It’s perfect for summer when I want light coverage. With this one product I’m adding moisture, just enough tint to even out my skin without covering my freckles and the protection of SPF 30. There is no oiliness to it and the texture is really light and almost fluffy.

What are 5 products that are always in your makeup bag and you can’t live without and why?
29 Cosmetic’s Hint of Honey Lip Treatment. It’s a great moisturizer and it has little gold flecks in it that add shine. It’s great by it’s self or as a gloss over lip color. The smell is subtle and delicious. It’s perfect for someone who easily gets dry lips without being waxy or goopy.

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