Lifestyle Magazine

Trimester 1: Keeping Mum

By Chaayen
Keeping mom about becoming a mom is really quite tough. I have to say Trimester 1 has been quite rough on me. (Either that I am a little princess.) I would think that I experience most possible symptoms/ health scares in the first 3 months till I lost quite a bit of will power and any form of power in fact.

9 Things I realised from this pregnancy
Trimester 1: Keeping Mum
1. You will be lethargic most of the time.
This might have been my first sign of pregnancy. I was so tired every day, that I knocked out around 9+ daily. During the weekends, I would even need afternoon nap. During the first month, I still went for gym classes etc. But I got exhausted quicker. I took a lot more cab rides too and the Hub even berated me for being princessy. The truth was, I really wanted to sleep. And this last till maybe week 12 of pregnancy. 
2. I needed to pee a lot more often.
Around week 5, I had the desire to pee once every half an hour. That was when I concluded there could be something wrong with me. I could be pregnant or had some urinary tract infection. And so that very evening, I used my free pregnancy kit from I Love Children (which I really didn't want to waste for a false alarm). It showed 2 lines almost immediately, unlike my last false scare which I wasted 3 test kits. The Hub made me do another test 2 days later and it showed the same results. I was quite relieved that it was pregnancy instead of some other diseases cos it really seemed like the lesser of the 2 evils haha. Till now, I am still waking up around 3am for a toilet break. Sigh.
3. I had insanely vivid dreams.
I think I dream a lot. But during this period, my dreams were a lot on children running and miscarriages. Especially after I watched "The Time-traveller's wife" and knew how a miscarriage was like, I kept dreaming of blood-filled bedsheets. Kudos to the hubs for comforting me during this moments. Cos usually, I wake up quite voilently with sharp movements but fall back to sleep quite fast again haha I love sleeping that much. Hehe.
Trimester 1: Keeping Mum
4. Food was a huge problem.
Initally, it was just about my family cooking healthier meals for me. Sadly, at week 6 or was it 7, morning sickness kicked in for me. It came as quite a surprise cos my Mum never had morning sickness and I was likely to take after her. My taste changed as well. My aversions included my favorite mushrooms, and anything with a strong smell. I hated water as well. I grew a love for pasta and pizza. Baby was difficult cos its preference changed rather fast and it was very hard to keep up.
5. I panicked a lot. 

The first month was pretty good. Even with the nausea, I was quite calm and maybe not quite connected to the kid. Until I had my first spotting incident (which I always call it bleeding), I was sent to the A&E...twice in fact. The third time spotting happened, I was tearing in bed. All thes hospital trips made me more "attached" to the fetus. I even got a hormones jab, that was how bad it was cos not a single doctor could explain what was happening.
6. Bee Stings won't affect a fetus during pregnancy.
Yes, I got a bee sting. By then, I was so sick of hospital visits and very annoyed by my luck. What is the chance of being stung by a bee...Fortunately. a bee sting doesn't cause much damage and the itch was soon gone. But the thing was...with nausea, puke fest, constant medication and my butt still stinging from the jab (FYI, it hurt like crap and I couldn't even sleep on that side for the longest period), everything just sucks.
Trimester 1: Keeping Mum
7. Finding a gynae was hard.
I wanteed a female gynae and the pool of them were quite limited. Deciding between government and private was tough as well, but eventually we decided a dedicated doctor who was familiar with my condition was probably better in the long run since I had quite a bit of health complications. We finally settled on the Hub's family doc recommendation whom I was worried she could be on the older side. But she is very assuring and highly competent, so I am actually quite relief we got her.
8. Our ultrascan photos are blurry.
Unlike what I always saw on social media, my ultrascan photos are not the clearest. Haha. Our little one is like the father, a bit camera shy and will never give the doctor an opportunity to snap a good shot of it. Plus, it is very active too (energy level from me and athletic genes from the hubs) so it has been difficult to keep it at one spot, one pose. And me, being really bad at filing etc. hasn't been doing too good a job at keeping the photos in its pristine condition. Oops. 
9. I have been growing emotional.

I don't usually watch drama, but because I was too drained to maintain the website or do anything else, I started binge watching. Fortunately, my desk buddy transfered me a bunch of movies and shows to keep me distracted during this period. And I realised something odd about me - I keep crying at the romantic scenes. Erms...fetus, are you anti-romance? Hehe. 

Fortunately, I am now slowly becoming back to myself. My parasite is now learning how to share the body of the host with the host. Gah. It is quite an interesting journey cos there is so much to learn. Will share it here because information does help...I did read up a lot of blogs/ website etc. during this period just to determine whether I was normal...

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