Today we’ll be taking a slightly personal turn. Last week my father passed away due to complications following surgery. Today will be his funeral. In order to mark the event in our own geeky way I’ll be listing some films that my father introduced to me and have had a lasting impression.
The Day of the Jackal
Whilst at a young age – around 8 – I woke up late at night. My father was the only other person awake in the house and he was pretty absorbed in this movie. Whether it was because he thought it should be watched or because he didn’t want to take a break from the movie I was told to sit down and watch. He may have expected me to nod off before long but the movie had me hooked. It was the first movie that wasn’t made for children that really held my attention, and demonstrated to me that good pacing can contribute heavily to the strength of a movie.
Yellow Submarine
Plenty of animated films from the House of the Mouse and the like passed across our screens, usually the result of us digging through the local video store. The only one that my father brought to our attention was this mindwarp of a movie. Still a favorite.
Apocalypse Now
I distinctly remember at roughly age 14 my father saying, out of the blue, “I feel like watching Apocalypse Now“. I was sent on an errand to the video store to find a copy. It was worth the bike ride in the Australian sun to be introduced to this one.
L.A. Story
Later in life my father took a strange liking for romantic comedies. I cannot stand that particular genre in spite of his efforts, but I’ll give him this one. It’s a strangely surreal and deadpan look and life and love in L.A. with Steve Martin at his best. Not even Sarah Jessica Parker can ruin this one.
Yeah, I was way, way to young for this one. Most of the movie went completely over my head but the bits I understood I enjoyed. Using a bow and arrow to hunt fish is rad.
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
Speaking of movies I was to young for…although this stands out as my disturbing introduction to cinema as an artform.
The Commitments
Although I am based in Australia I was born in Ireland. This is more than an Irish movie…this is THE Irish movie. It’s all about the attitude.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Because if anyone is going to introduce you to Westerns it’s going to be your father. And if anyone is going to introduce you to Westerns make sure it’s The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
…And Now For Something Completely Different
I had never seen Monty Python before. One day my father told us to sit down and watch this without explanation. Life changed. If you’ve never seen Monty Python then watch the first sketch I saw: