
Tribe Where Blood Brothers Marry The Same Wife And The Reason Why, See Photos

Posted on the 13 April 2024 by Info4blog

The Himalayan region is home to various indigenous tribes with unique cultural practices. One such tribe is the ‘Toda’ community, also known as the ‘Tudaw’ tribe, which resides in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu, India.

One of the most intriguing customs of the Toda tribe is the practice of fraternal polyandry, where a woman marries two or more brothers who share her as their wife. This practice is primarily driven by the tribe’s need to preserve their limited land and resources. As the land in the Nilgiris district is scarce, the Toda tribe practices polyandry to ensure that their ancestral property stays within the family and does not get divided among multiple heirs.

Tribe Where Blood Brothers Marry Same Wife Reason Why, Photos

The practice of polyandry has several benefits for the Toda tribe. Firstly, it ensures that the family wealth remains undivided and in the hands of a single household. Secondly, it reduces the number of mouths to feed and therefore, helps to alleviate the problem of scarcity of resources. Finally, it also prevents property disputes and ensures that the land remains under the control of a single family.

Tribe Where Blood Brothers Marry Same Wife Reason Why, Photos

Despite the advantages, the practice of fraternal polyandry has come under scrutiny in recent times. It has been criticized as a patriarchal practice that oppresses women and denies them the right to choose their partners. Moreover, it has also been pointed out that the practice has led to a skewed sex ratio in the tribe, with a higher number of males than females.

Tribe Where Blood Brothers Marry Same Wife Reason Why, Photos
In conclusion, the practice of fraternal polyandry among the Toda tribe is a fascinating cultural practice that has both advantages and disadvantages. While it has helped to preserve their land and resources, it has also been criticized for being oppressive towards women and leading to a skewed sex ratio..………See More

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