At the end of a long, hard week full of tension and tragedy, let’s just sit still for a minute and put peanut butter on a hamburger.
Burger Business has a whole list of places that do that.
My experience with this concept is the Duane Purvis burger being served probably right this minute in West Lafayette, at the Triple XXX (“Is that nine x’s total, then?” joke the math nerds of Purdue University up the street) (while hometown kid Axl Rose stares at his empty plate with a mixture of coiled, angry energy and childlike ennui). Named for a football guy who apparently put peanut butter on everything, it’s one of the best damn things that can happen to you when you’re slightly northwest of the greater Indianapolis metro area.Let’s just calm down for a minute and enjoy the melty peanut butter taste warmed by the just-grilled sirloin and … yeah.
Okay. Back to arguing about politics and worrying about our friends back East. Take care, all.