Episode four of following the quince tree in my garden. I admit in terms of feet and inches it has not moved very far, but there is a glimmer more hope on the horizon than I thought there would be this time last month.
Last month a late frost and semi-gales had destroyed what blossom there was, I thought my hopes for my first quince were dashed almost before they had begun. I was then blessed with a late blossom or two, this was very fortuitous and exciting.
The quincelet I was watching last month duly dropped off. I was upset yet already I could see another quincelet or two were forming.
Best of all they are still there now, I think I have two possible quinces. Though I know it is bad luck to count your quinces before they are hatched (or something like that). I am not yet looking up recipes for quince jam, not that I would get much jam from two. Nor am I saving up to buy gold foil to wrap quince paste in as apparently was done in Elizabethan times. Though obviously I am thinking about it.
Though I worry that the marauders are on their way to steal them.
Hey snails, leave those quince alone!
Other trees are also being followed c/o this meme hosted by Lucy at Loose and Leafy.