Gardening Magazine

Tree Following August 2024 - Hope

By Ozhene @papaver

There is some hope, as all the quincelets have remorselessly fallen from the Quince Brothers, there are signs of hope.

Tree Following August 2024 - hope

Last month I reported that Quince Major had a couple of late blossoms, one of the resulting quincelets has already dropped, I don't have a lot of hope for this one, but whilst it remains there is hope nonetheless.

Tree Following August 2024 - hope

Quince Minor's second flush of blossom has resulted in this rather hopeful looking plump beauty. I am keeping everything crossed that it hangs on. You would have thought, well I thought anyway, that all this rain would have meant a bumper crop? I think in reality that my inept winter pruning did the damage for this year. I shall live in hope for next year to see a recovery.

More followed trees can be found here under the stewardship of Squirrelbasket.

Take care and be kind.

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