Family Magazine

Treating Colic

By Newsanchormom

Treating Colic
Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, there's a good chance your baby will have colic(lots of crying.) I am sure my first baby had this know that I have had two other babies who didn't cry constantly. I am sure there are a lot of new moms like me who may not realize all the crying is not normal. I have never heard of anyone using fennel extract, herbal tea or sugar solutions to calm a baby. I don't know if it's safe and I don't know whether it works. What I do know is the feeling of sheer exhaustion from taking care of a colicky baby for months. My son turned four months old and it stopped like a light switch. I still don't know why. I hope other mothers have better treatment options for colic than I did(mainly just gas drops and changing the way you hold him.)
FROM NBC: Researchers have taken at look at alternative treatments for colic--with the hopes of giving parents a proven way to soothe their crying baby.
Experts in the UK looked at 15 clinical trials studying complementary medicines for infant colic. They found some success linked to fennel extract, mixed herbal tea and sugar solutions. However, the studies had major limitations, so researchers say there is not enough data to recommend these treatments. And for parents who are willing to try anything--they suggest talking to a doctor first.

FROM THINK BABY:When it comes to colic, 40% of mums are sure their baby has suffered or is suffering from the condition, says a recent study.
Of the 1,003 UK mums who took part in the study, 26% said the most well known sign of colic was their baby curling his or her legs up to the stomach, and 23% said it was long periods of crying.
According to the study, know as The Colic Report, 28% of babies develop colic while being exclusively breastfed.
Colic caused one in five of the mums to feel guilty they were doing something wrong, and 29% felt the crying lead to a lot of stress in their household.

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