
Travel Tips What You Need to Know the Tourist?

Posted on the 25 November 2018 by Abdulamex

Any journey is a great way to relax and get away from everyday life, and to discover and learn something new. Not everyone likes the whole vacation to sit in the hotel and swim in the pool. Many people want to feel like a traveler and go to conquer uncharted places.

The advantages of independent travel

  • Independent travel has several advantages compared with the purchase of a tour:
  • self-management of time, the possibility of laying your own routes and the study of interesting sights;
  • a great way to save on accommodation and tickets with the knowledge of the necessary Internet resources;
  • when solving problems arising in free travel, the spirit of adventure is felt;
  • more opportunities to experience the lifestyle of the local population and immerse themselves in their culture;
  • The possibility of traveling with a minimum of funds.

Recommendations for an independent traveler

  1. From the journey should remain only positive memories. To do this, you should use some tips:
  2. You should not save on insurance.
  3. The prices for medical care in some countries are simply exorbitant.
  4. Documents must always be in order. If you need a visa you need to take care of it in advance. It is important to make at least an approximate route plan.
  5. Minimal first aid kit should be always at hand. Take with you only the essentials. When traveling and constantly moving, extra suitcases will only get in the way and bore you.
  6. To save money on accommodation you need to use the services of hostels. And here you can meet other travelers, from which you can learn a lot of useful information.
  7. The phone must have the necessary applications installed – guides, translators, maps. Knowledge of English during free travel is very useful.
  8. Do not carry all the cash with you. It will be safer to use an international payment card, which can be immediately blocked if it is lost or stolen.

Travel tips by car

When traveling by your private car or in a car rental vehicle, everything is clear, so when hitchhiking, you need to know the following recommendations:

  1. Hitchhiking is very popular in Russia and central Europe. In Asia, not very. In this way you can move not to count in the Arab countries.
  2. Truck drivers most often pick up travelers.
  3. Together it is more fun to drive and the road seems not so long. It is not advisable to travel a large company hitchhiking. 3 people – maximum.
  4. The easiest way to stop cars on busy tracks.
  5. Therefore, before traveling, it is necessary to study road maps. Before choosing a place to stop, you must inspect the place, drawing attention to the possibility of stopping the driver.
  6. You need to be polite and in order not to get into an unpleasant situation you should not answer rudeness to rudeness.
  7. You need to understand that it is not always possible to catch a car quickly, so you should stock up on food, water and patience.
  8. You need to be prepared for the fact that sometimes you have to spend the night on the street. It is advisable to have a sleeping bag and a tent.

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