Family Magazine

Travel in Time and Space with Minecraft Doctor Who

By Boxmash

Doctor Who is one of our very favorite TV shows. We wish we could jump in the TARDIS with the Doctor and travel across the universe, forwards and backwards in time, and having lots of adventures. Whilst we’re still waiting for the Doctor to turn up at our house, we could help out our favorite Time Lord in The Doctor and the Dalek, or we could have some fun adventures saving the world in Minecraft thanks to the Doctor Who skin pack!

Skin packs add cool new things to Minecraft, and there are some amazing things that come in the Doctor Who pack. There are characters from all 51 years of the Doctor Who show, from the very First Doctor  to the current Twelfth Doctor. You can also play as fan-favourites the Fourth Doctor and the Eleventh Doctor. Also along for the ride are companions Amy Pond, Clara Oswald, and Rose Tyler.

Doctor Who Minecraft Clara Twelfth

Of course, it wouldn’t be Doctor Who if there were not plenty of evil monsters and aliens to defeat. So in this skin pack you’ll find the Zygons, The Master, Weeping Angels, and the Daleks and their evil creator Davros. There are many more – there are a whole 50 different characters in the pack – but to reveal them all would just ruin the surprise. You never know what may be outside those TARDIS doors!

doctor_who_skin_pack_360 villains

The Doctor Who skin pack is available on Xbox 360, and can be bought from the Xbox Live Store for £1.99. If you’re looking for even more Minecraft skin packs to brighten up your game, you need to jump over to our Minecraft channel.

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