This year I turn a big 40! Although I'm constantly told I don't look my age, I am still conscious of the tell tale signs of aging and mainly facial lines. I'm not afraid to admit it, but last year I had one round of Botox injections to my forehead as I was getting slightly paranoid every time I looked in a mirror. The Botox procedure, although pretty much painless and very quick gets very expensive so I am always happy to give other products a go. This time it is three products from Transformulas. Whose motto is "beauty without surgery"

These three products have now become a part of my daily beauty routine. I use them together and start with the face contour and tightening cream.

This gets applied to the whole facial area apart from close to the eyes. It has a slight menthol type scent and the box gives instructions of how to apply best. From first use I could instantly feel it working. It feels like my skin is being pulled or tightened and this feeling lasts a few minutes. It doesn't feel uncomfortable or hurt in any way and it certainly works. I could see the effects within just a few days of use.
For my eyes, I'm using the Transformulas eye lift gel.

This one is pretty much odourless and clear.
Many women suffer aging problems around the eyes first, with sagging and lines and dark rings to name just a few problems. I apply the gel all around my eyes and it feels really cool on, almost like I have cucumber on my eye. Again it gives a slight tight feeling but it's a nice sensation.
Finally for my lips - Lip Volume!

This is probably the product I was most looking forward to using. The reason being - I have small lips. There doesn't seem to be much volume to my lips at all and I have considered fillers but they hare very expensive and I hear quite painful too.
The lip volume has a minty menthol aroma. It goes on like lip glosss does and instantly made my lips tingle and feel cool. It can be applied before lip stick or just as a daily routine. And yes it does seem to increase the volume a little, even if only temporarily.
Apologies for the duck pout here!

I love all three products and the fact that they do make my skin feel different and tighter.
I am including a before and after picture. See if you can see the difference after two weeks of use.

Of course products that work don't come amazingly cheap. You won't find Transformulas in your local pound world. However all three of these products together cost less than one round of Botox which is for one area rather than three. Contour cream - £36.95 Eye gel - £29.95 Lip volume - £29.95
So just under £100 for all three but still a lot less than the more evasive treatments and surgery.
If you want to know what's in the transformulas products and how they work then you can find all the information and more on the Transformulas website. Products can also be purchased from the website as well as Boots and a few other places.