As for the single itself you can hear it when you scroll down the page. “I was in Brazil for the first time, running with friends around Sao Paulo in June. On the top of a skyscraper downtown, a crew had tagged, in 20 foot letters, “Somos o Golpe” -- “We are the Coup”. That is what graffiti is in SP, a coup; in a city of walls keeping the poor away from the rich, the walls themselves became the message board.” Being able to write about your experiences allows for a richer sound and a deeper meaning that yearns to be scratched. The song is also inspired by Jorge Ben hits and the song “Best I Ever Had”. As for their overal sound Trails and Ways lists Jorge Ben among the names. It also includes acts like Gloria Anzaldua, Grimes, Tom Jobin, Mirah, The Radio Dept., The Sierra Nevada and Bibio. If tUnE-yArDs is reading, Trails and Ways names you as the number one person to share a stage with (Which would be incredible).
Look for a trail (pun definitely intended) of singles and be on the lookout for the bands first album Trilingual. As Always Happy Listening. Don't forget their bandcamp as well.
This started as a little bedroom recording project. Hearing that our music means something to folks in Mexico or Tennessee or Malaysia seriously means a lot to us, it makes us really want to push ourselves, to do this thing right. So keep in touch, let us know what you think, write us--we write back. - Trails and Ways