There are those that believe the world is flat and then, there are those who believe the world is round. The same applies to the
conspiracy theory of those white fluffy lines left in the sky by aircraft spraying chemical or biological agents. Some believers say these chemicals could be any one of the following: barium, aluminum salts, thorium and/or silicon carbide. These are chemtrails or chemical trails.
What does barium do?
- At high doses the nervous system is affected causing cardiac irregularities, tremors, weakness, anxiety, dyspnea and paralysis.
- At low doses barium acts as a muscle stimulant.
- Contact with air is dangerous, as it may cause ignition.
What does thorium do?
- Exposure to an aerosol of thorium can lead to increased risk of cancers of the lung, pancreas, and blood.
- Liver diseases.
- It can take as much as thirty years after the ingestion of thorium for symptoms to manifest themselves.

Let’s not confuse chemtrails with contrails.
Contrails or condensation trails are streaks of condensed water vapor created by the exhaust from the aircrafts engine.
The scientific community does not accept the theory that chemtrails exist, and state that these trails are contrails, simple condensation streaks left by a jet flying our friendly skies.
This is simply NOT a contrail.

I understand the contrails, and watch them dissipate from my front window on a daily basis. It’s those chemtrails which leave perplexed and wanting answers. I am neither a scientist nor a nephologist. I’m just a woman watching the curious sky.

The photo on the left is the original photo, unedited. On the right, I’ve cropped in to show the perfectly formed lines left by a jet, this trail later expanded, changing the atmosphere to a hazy day.
Why do some trails dissipate after sometime, while other trails grow in size thus changing the atmosphere from a beautiful blue day to a seemingly hazy day?
Maybe this is what’s killing all the bees. But that’s just another theory.
What do you think?
© My Sardinian Life/Jennifer Avventura. All rights reserved 2010-2013.