Culture Magazine

Traffic's Wonky at New Savanna

By Bbenzon @bbenzon
First, sometime in the last day or two page views went over 2 million:
11-7 Page views at 12AM
What's really interesting, though, is the ups and downs over the past week. This shows traffic for the last week:
11-7 Week at 12AM
That spike there at the left is the one we observed last week, the one caused by people viewing NCIS posts. But look at that trough in the middle. There was a day on the weekend when traffic dipped below 500, which is clearly visible in this plot for the month:
11-7 Month at 12AM
But then we're right back up over 4K per day. Where will it level off? Here's the all-time view:
11-7 All-tim at 12AM

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